Willeonis Treborrin pretty much broke up the Allorinian Pantheon. He contacted what he called The Highest, a true god. The Allorinian pantheon consists of Aaviri who believe it is their job to help 'lesser' creatures in some way. Many of them are not even aaviri, a few of them members of the fae, or the dragon borns, who are basically purely magical beings, while some of them are only mildly interested in creation at all. A few of them will provide people who beg of them with some powers to do what the aaviri believes are good things. There are quite a few aaviri who are members of this pantheon, and they are not even truly associated with each other much at all.
Quite a few of the aaviri were creatures of low intelligence but great power who figured it would be good to get back into the Highest's good graces by doing what various members of vartems asked of them, if they begged in the right way. So, prayer to some of these aaviri was born. Some of the aaviri are malicioius and evil and will gladly pose as gods if they can get their followers to do wicked things that go against the Highest's commands. Yet a few more of these aaviri are true followers of the Highest and will gladly connect people with the Highest's will, should they ask. It is a very confusing world, Trithofar.
Again, think of Aaviri not necessarily as demons or angels, but as some kind of creature between the two. Imagine if you will an Aaviri as a patron for the supplicant. You want to play supernaturally well in music, you can get an aav to loan you inspiration or power or endurance for practice. The patron is either in line with the king and his purposes, or he isn't. Those who aren't are evil. Those who are good. Some are just wealthy people who like good music or art or whatever it is you are trying to do and serve no king (which makes them technically bad, but not necessarily the practitioner). Some aaviri do not even realize what they are doing, having no real knowledge of the physical world, and basically the use of their power is like picking up their excrement and putting it in a fire. Truly understanding the aaviri is not an easy task, but I say all this because I do not want my Christian readers to think I am advocating the contacting of demonic spirits for the purposes of magic. If it helps, think not the aaviri as angels, demons, or patrons, but magical beasts of burden with different levels of intelligence and revelation.
But here, laid out, are a few of the gods of the Allorinian Pantheon.
Alterrus Azurrus: This is the sun god of the Allorinian Pantheon, a god of fertility, growth, and respect for nature. Alterrus Azurrus, in his contact with human beings, has never claimed himself a god, nor really claimed anything, but is a true follower of the Highest and an aaviri that lives in sunlight. The god Alterrus Azurrus is worshiped as a god of ultimate truth and the beauty of openness and honesty. His followers are practicers of taking vows of truthfulness. He is also a god of healing to his followers as well as natural and productive growth. Because the Highest is an enemy of the undead and the manipulation of souls, Alterrus Azurras is an enemy of the undead and manipulation of souls. Practitioners of his ways have found they can use the powers this being provides to slay and destroy undead, as well as quite a few other horrors of the Qwadro. The mercelian knights, which is a mercenary sect of law enforcement and healing, primarily headquartered in Sarkoshia now, are followers of Alterrus Azurras, using his powers to help heal people, cleanse the way of truth and honesty and uprightness, and to honor good and justice. It is known among Sarkoshians and others who live near any of their bases, the mercelian knights will accept almost any money from anyone to help heal someone or help find out the truth of a situation. However, they know immediately if something is stolen as soon as it hits their hand and will attempt to arrest the one who offered stolen goods.
Allo Moramay: Allomor is believed to be a god of creation. He is one of the many words for the Highest. His followers come in a wide variety of forms and believe a wide variety of things about him. They believe the other 'deities' of the pantheon are not real gods (which is true, they aren't), but are his servants and handmaids and butlers. He sent some of them to do good things in the world and he sent some of them to do bad things in the world. They believe he is one god, and truly the only god. The Alloranye was the word for the humans of Allorinia, and it means 'Children of Allo' or 'Allo's children.' Originally, Allo Moramay was the name given to the God of the Land. Moramay means land in Allorinian, and this was originally the name of the Trith God, the world under people's feet, who allowed people to live on it, and who grew crops and all manner of things to feed them. Eventually, this god took the most prominent position in the mythos, though many don't understand why.
Kojexa, which has become Kodexia, which is the source of the word Kodex in Trithofar: This is the deity responsible for teaching human beings how to read and write, to make paper, to use it to record their words. Kojexa is believed to be a god of inspiration, and a muse-type deity. He is a god who values knowledge, like Feedrea, and who helps in education, learning, and the storing of knowledge. It is believed that for every truth, Kojexa inspires people to know it and to record it. Those things which vary from vartem to vartem are of little consequence compared to the truth.
Quayanenno: The goddess of the rivers, the finder of paths. She is the believed consort of the Sea God, Sheshambro. In the mythos of Allorinia, Quayanenno is a very fickle goddess who cannot make up her mind where she wants to be. She travels in fresh water and goes all over, visiting the world. Her beauty is such she makes things grow when they possess and drink from her, but she doesn't stay and leaves the bodies of those who try to find sustenance in her. She is a fickle lover and a fickle friend. Nothing can contain her or prevent her from going where she wishes to go, even if it can delay her, divert her, or move her. She is the essence of fresh water, the purity of it.
Sheshambro: The deity associated with the oceans of Trithofar and salt water. He is exactly the same as Quayanenno, except much more set in his ways. It is believed he was somehow responsible for creating life in Trithofar and gave much of it away to Allo Moramay (original stories). He cast mankind upon the land and forgot him and did not allow him to come back into his kingdom because of the sin of first man. The myth goes thusly.
At the bottom of the sea, all life once lived, including mankind.
But mankind was pompous and arrogant and believed himself great
Because mankind could make arts and music and could fall in love.
So mankind believed that if he wanted a fish, he could take a fish,
And if mankind wanted he could eat the coral and the seaweed,
But without so much as asking Sheshambro's permission.
So, Sheshambro cast man from his kingdom, putting him on the shore,
And said to Allo Moramay: "You have asked me for a gift to honor you,
The Father of All Things and the One Upon Which We All Live,
So I give you mankind, and do with him as you will."
But some of the other creatures loved mankind,
Because of his voice and his music and his arts and crafts
Because of his games and his ingenuity and his ability
To make great crafts with things.
So they begged for the Great Sea God to cast them ashore as well.
And so he did.
Now there were animals and people on the world's back,
But what would they eat? Each other?
If they did that, they would surely die,
So Allo Moramay asked his sweet daughters, Quayanenno and Feedrea
To make plants and help them grow, and so there were plants,
And now, the creatures could eat and live upon the face of the Trith.
It is believed that hurricanes and tsunamis are the result of the sea god getting angry at humanity for thriving in his exile. Sheshambro would never create another creature like man, that would make music for him or be so engenuitive. Man was a fluke or a prototype and Sheshambro has lost his ability to create anyway. Sometimes, man is called back to the sea, and this is because of Sheshambro calling them. A few creatures in Trithofar work like sirens of Greek Mythology. They are not the same things, as they are not always womanly or beautiful, but are monsters waiting to lure men to their dooms. Of course, then again, there has always been man's fascination with the seas.
Feedrea (or Fee): Fee is a goddess of flowers, or she is the will to live instilled in plants. Quite literally, she is not a god/goddess, but is merely the aaviri responsible for growing things, the natural tendency towards life rather than death. She is the reason plants make seeds to be eaten and don't mind, according to her worshippers. She was asked a favor by Allo, and said yes. But, she would also limit mankind's eating of her gardens by making poisonous or dangerous plants and making plants that do nothing for mankind, though they are beautiful. She is also a goddess associated with healing and helping. She is not a god to suffer fools, for many of what she provides can be as dangerous as the thing trying to be cured, and so she is a demanding goddess of knowledge.
Librushia: A demon goddess, if she exists at all. Known as 'The Justification,' and 'The Pardoner,' and 'The Secret Keeper.' Librushia is less a real deity of any kind and more an idealized philosophy. If she exists, she works for Lortho. Librushians believe that anything goes so long as no one gets hurt. They feel that the body was given the ability to feel pleasure and love and physical enjoyment, so why not make use of it. They believe anything that can be enjoyed for a moment is perfectly acceptable, forgiveable, and should be attempted. They believe she chastises the foolish who push things too far, and allow others to live as they please. They believe in enjoying every pleasure that can be safely enjoyed, but her followers invariably suggest even the ones that cannot be safely enjoyed should be anyway, because they are there. The powers her practitioners provide is a source of supernatural and evil healing, usually the healing of the consequences of sins and screwups. For instance, Librushia might, if called properly, help a person abort a child when the baby would create problems for the mother, or she might cure a hangover, or she might allow a person to become miraculously healed of an addiction just to show it could happen. It is possible Librushia is another word for Lortho, Queen of Lies.
Gallux: The wanderer. This deity is worshipped like St. Christopher is revered. He is a god who blesses explorations and adventure. It is believed that any quest for knowledge or any attempt to better oneself is a worthy cause, so long as it does not involve doing evil to do it. He is, in the original mythos of Allorinia, the son of Kojexa, but this has been flipped around a few times, and depending on the myth becomes the father or the son or neither or both. Often nicknamed the Qwestor's god. He is now associated with the desire to find the Highest's will in Trithofar. Gallux is one of the few aaviri associated with the Allorinian Pantheon who is both an intelligent and powerful aav. He blesses quests he believes are worthy and good and which will create love between the races or will improve the world or bring people closer to the Highest. He is like an angel.
Xengorra: The gatekeeper. Like Charon paddled the boat across the River Styx, Xengorra is the keeper of the gate to hell. He hates people, and preferred the world without them. He is, actually, another form of Lortho, Queen of Lies and tormentor and torturer among the Qwadro. Xengorra was the form Lortho took to approach Xenoreth, who fashioned his name in honor of his new source of power. Xengorra claimed to give the keys to the criminal cages to Xenoreth and allowed him to imprison those souls in corpses. Many legends regarding the Qwadro believed Xenoreth to either not realize who he was consorting with or to think the ends justified the means and accept the agreement. But Lortho/Xengorra instructed him (according to these latter legends) in what to say to Willeonis in their famous meeting, and he instructed Xenoreth to run away from the Eight Aethren Counsel to avoid being prosecuted and/or persecuted. Xengorra predicted they would try to bind Xenoreth and try him for his crimes, even though he'd committed no crimes, and sure enough it came to pass, but not quite the same way that Xengorra had predicted. Instead, it was the Qwadro that attacked him and convinced him it was Leor. Xenoreth became one of the strongest resistors to the Eight Aethren Counsel and was held responsible for allowing the Qwadro entry into Trithofar.
Sallixia: The Lady of Luck: Yes, luck is considered a lady in Trithofar. She is someone who is, effectively, a child. She plays games and toys with people. She can be an ally, or she can be a beastly enemy, depending on her incredibly fickle mood. She is the breaker of men's hearts, and she is the winner of men's fortunes. Think what it would have been like if Solomon the King wrote about her instead of Wisdom. She is the personification of fortune, who plays around with people. She is merely the anthropomorphication of the concept of fortune. Nothing more in reality. She is not even an aav.
Quite a few of the aaviri were creatures of low intelligence but great power who figured it would be good to get back into the Highest's good graces by doing what various members of vartems asked of them, if they begged in the right way. So, prayer to some of these aaviri was born. Some of the aaviri are malicioius and evil and will gladly pose as gods if they can get their followers to do wicked things that go against the Highest's commands. Yet a few more of these aaviri are true followers of the Highest and will gladly connect people with the Highest's will, should they ask. It is a very confusing world, Trithofar.
Again, think of Aaviri not necessarily as demons or angels, but as some kind of creature between the two. Imagine if you will an Aaviri as a patron for the supplicant. You want to play supernaturally well in music, you can get an aav to loan you inspiration or power or endurance for practice. The patron is either in line with the king and his purposes, or he isn't. Those who aren't are evil. Those who are good. Some are just wealthy people who like good music or art or whatever it is you are trying to do and serve no king (which makes them technically bad, but not necessarily the practitioner). Some aaviri do not even realize what they are doing, having no real knowledge of the physical world, and basically the use of their power is like picking up their excrement and putting it in a fire. Truly understanding the aaviri is not an easy task, but I say all this because I do not want my Christian readers to think I am advocating the contacting of demonic spirits for the purposes of magic. If it helps, think not the aaviri as angels, demons, or patrons, but magical beasts of burden with different levels of intelligence and revelation.
But here, laid out, are a few of the gods of the Allorinian Pantheon.
Alterrus Azurrus: This is the sun god of the Allorinian Pantheon, a god of fertility, growth, and respect for nature. Alterrus Azurrus, in his contact with human beings, has never claimed himself a god, nor really claimed anything, but is a true follower of the Highest and an aaviri that lives in sunlight. The god Alterrus Azurrus is worshiped as a god of ultimate truth and the beauty of openness and honesty. His followers are practicers of taking vows of truthfulness. He is also a god of healing to his followers as well as natural and productive growth. Because the Highest is an enemy of the undead and the manipulation of souls, Alterrus Azurras is an enemy of the undead and manipulation of souls. Practitioners of his ways have found they can use the powers this being provides to slay and destroy undead, as well as quite a few other horrors of the Qwadro. The mercelian knights, which is a mercenary sect of law enforcement and healing, primarily headquartered in Sarkoshia now, are followers of Alterrus Azurras, using his powers to help heal people, cleanse the way of truth and honesty and uprightness, and to honor good and justice. It is known among Sarkoshians and others who live near any of their bases, the mercelian knights will accept almost any money from anyone to help heal someone or help find out the truth of a situation. However, they know immediately if something is stolen as soon as it hits their hand and will attempt to arrest the one who offered stolen goods.
Allo Moramay: Allomor is believed to be a god of creation. He is one of the many words for the Highest. His followers come in a wide variety of forms and believe a wide variety of things about him. They believe the other 'deities' of the pantheon are not real gods (which is true, they aren't), but are his servants and handmaids and butlers. He sent some of them to do good things in the world and he sent some of them to do bad things in the world. They believe he is one god, and truly the only god. The Alloranye was the word for the humans of Allorinia, and it means 'Children of Allo' or 'Allo's children.' Originally, Allo Moramay was the name given to the God of the Land. Moramay means land in Allorinian, and this was originally the name of the Trith God, the world under people's feet, who allowed people to live on it, and who grew crops and all manner of things to feed them. Eventually, this god took the most prominent position in the mythos, though many don't understand why.
Kojexa, which has become Kodexia, which is the source of the word Kodex in Trithofar: This is the deity responsible for teaching human beings how to read and write, to make paper, to use it to record their words. Kojexa is believed to be a god of inspiration, and a muse-type deity. He is a god who values knowledge, like Feedrea, and who helps in education, learning, and the storing of knowledge. It is believed that for every truth, Kojexa inspires people to know it and to record it. Those things which vary from vartem to vartem are of little consequence compared to the truth.
Quayanenno: The goddess of the rivers, the finder of paths. She is the believed consort of the Sea God, Sheshambro. In the mythos of Allorinia, Quayanenno is a very fickle goddess who cannot make up her mind where she wants to be. She travels in fresh water and goes all over, visiting the world. Her beauty is such she makes things grow when they possess and drink from her, but she doesn't stay and leaves the bodies of those who try to find sustenance in her. She is a fickle lover and a fickle friend. Nothing can contain her or prevent her from going where she wishes to go, even if it can delay her, divert her, or move her. She is the essence of fresh water, the purity of it.
Sheshambro: The deity associated with the oceans of Trithofar and salt water. He is exactly the same as Quayanenno, except much more set in his ways. It is believed he was somehow responsible for creating life in Trithofar and gave much of it away to Allo Moramay (original stories). He cast mankind upon the land and forgot him and did not allow him to come back into his kingdom because of the sin of first man. The myth goes thusly.
At the bottom of the sea, all life once lived, including mankind.
But mankind was pompous and arrogant and believed himself great
Because mankind could make arts and music and could fall in love.
So mankind believed that if he wanted a fish, he could take a fish,
And if mankind wanted he could eat the coral and the seaweed,
But without so much as asking Sheshambro's permission.
So, Sheshambro cast man from his kingdom, putting him on the shore,
And said to Allo Moramay: "You have asked me for a gift to honor you,
The Father of All Things and the One Upon Which We All Live,
So I give you mankind, and do with him as you will."
But some of the other creatures loved mankind,
Because of his voice and his music and his arts and crafts
Because of his games and his ingenuity and his ability
To make great crafts with things.
So they begged for the Great Sea God to cast them ashore as well.
And so he did.
Now there were animals and people on the world's back,
But what would they eat? Each other?
If they did that, they would surely die,
So Allo Moramay asked his sweet daughters, Quayanenno and Feedrea
To make plants and help them grow, and so there were plants,
And now, the creatures could eat and live upon the face of the Trith.
It is believed that hurricanes and tsunamis are the result of the sea god getting angry at humanity for thriving in his exile. Sheshambro would never create another creature like man, that would make music for him or be so engenuitive. Man was a fluke or a prototype and Sheshambro has lost his ability to create anyway. Sometimes, man is called back to the sea, and this is because of Sheshambro calling them. A few creatures in Trithofar work like sirens of Greek Mythology. They are not the same things, as they are not always womanly or beautiful, but are monsters waiting to lure men to their dooms. Of course, then again, there has always been man's fascination with the seas.
Feedrea (or Fee): Fee is a goddess of flowers, or she is the will to live instilled in plants. Quite literally, she is not a god/goddess, but is merely the aaviri responsible for growing things, the natural tendency towards life rather than death. She is the reason plants make seeds to be eaten and don't mind, according to her worshippers. She was asked a favor by Allo, and said yes. But, she would also limit mankind's eating of her gardens by making poisonous or dangerous plants and making plants that do nothing for mankind, though they are beautiful. She is also a goddess associated with healing and helping. She is not a god to suffer fools, for many of what she provides can be as dangerous as the thing trying to be cured, and so she is a demanding goddess of knowledge.
Librushia: A demon goddess, if she exists at all. Known as 'The Justification,' and 'The Pardoner,' and 'The Secret Keeper.' Librushia is less a real deity of any kind and more an idealized philosophy. If she exists, she works for Lortho. Librushians believe that anything goes so long as no one gets hurt. They feel that the body was given the ability to feel pleasure and love and physical enjoyment, so why not make use of it. They believe anything that can be enjoyed for a moment is perfectly acceptable, forgiveable, and should be attempted. They believe she chastises the foolish who push things too far, and allow others to live as they please. They believe in enjoying every pleasure that can be safely enjoyed, but her followers invariably suggest even the ones that cannot be safely enjoyed should be anyway, because they are there. The powers her practitioners provide is a source of supernatural and evil healing, usually the healing of the consequences of sins and screwups. For instance, Librushia might, if called properly, help a person abort a child when the baby would create problems for the mother, or she might cure a hangover, or she might allow a person to become miraculously healed of an addiction just to show it could happen. It is possible Librushia is another word for Lortho, Queen of Lies.
Gallux: The wanderer. This deity is worshipped like St. Christopher is revered. He is a god who blesses explorations and adventure. It is believed that any quest for knowledge or any attempt to better oneself is a worthy cause, so long as it does not involve doing evil to do it. He is, in the original mythos of Allorinia, the son of Kojexa, but this has been flipped around a few times, and depending on the myth becomes the father or the son or neither or both. Often nicknamed the Qwestor's god. He is now associated with the desire to find the Highest's will in Trithofar. Gallux is one of the few aaviri associated with the Allorinian Pantheon who is both an intelligent and powerful aav. He blesses quests he believes are worthy and good and which will create love between the races or will improve the world or bring people closer to the Highest. He is like an angel.
Xengorra: The gatekeeper. Like Charon paddled the boat across the River Styx, Xengorra is the keeper of the gate to hell. He hates people, and preferred the world without them. He is, actually, another form of Lortho, Queen of Lies and tormentor and torturer among the Qwadro. Xengorra was the form Lortho took to approach Xenoreth, who fashioned his name in honor of his new source of power. Xengorra claimed to give the keys to the criminal cages to Xenoreth and allowed him to imprison those souls in corpses. Many legends regarding the Qwadro believed Xenoreth to either not realize who he was consorting with or to think the ends justified the means and accept the agreement. But Lortho/Xengorra instructed him (according to these latter legends) in what to say to Willeonis in their famous meeting, and he instructed Xenoreth to run away from the Eight Aethren Counsel to avoid being prosecuted and/or persecuted. Xengorra predicted they would try to bind Xenoreth and try him for his crimes, even though he'd committed no crimes, and sure enough it came to pass, but not quite the same way that Xengorra had predicted. Instead, it was the Qwadro that attacked him and convinced him it was Leor. Xenoreth became one of the strongest resistors to the Eight Aethren Counsel and was held responsible for allowing the Qwadro entry into Trithofar.
Sallixia: The Lady of Luck: Yes, luck is considered a lady in Trithofar. She is someone who is, effectively, a child. She plays games and toys with people. She can be an ally, or she can be a beastly enemy, depending on her incredibly fickle mood. She is the breaker of men's hearts, and she is the winner of men's fortunes. Think what it would have been like if Solomon the King wrote about her instead of Wisdom. She is the personification of fortune, who plays around with people. She is merely the anthropomorphication of the concept of fortune. Nothing more in reality. She is not even an aav.
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