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Friday, July 20, 2012

Human Beings are Sometimes Very Stupid and Will Ferrel: Comedy Whore

First thing: I was very grieved to hear about the shootings in Colorado this morning.  I don't know why such things have to happen or why people have to act so horribly.  Why couldn't this guy just sit down and enjoy the movie.  My condolences and prayers are with those victims who just came to have a good time and see a really good movie and had it ruined by a douchebag with a gun.  

I have been checking news sites since originally posting this.  I feel so very bad for the victims involved.  Why some people do these horrid things, I really wish I could say.  I really wish I could understand it.  The world is a messed up place and there are messed up people in it.  Again, my prayers are with the men, women, and particularly the children who were involved in such a horrible crime.  

It's official: Will Ferrel is not only a comedy whore, an untalented comedian, and is driving comedy into a place where I think even it should not go.  I saw the preview for that Campaign movie and wow: why would it ever be funny to have someone punch a baby?  Why is that even remotely funny?  Are we moving now into the equivalent of dead baby humor now in movies?  Is that the next joke that these idiots who are making these cheap laugh comedies are going to try?  Adam Sandler, Will Ferrel, Galifinakis: RETIRE before going there, please!  Will Ferrel, I hope you will advocate that stupid scene be cut from that movie.  Otherwise, YOU ARE A COMEDY WHORE, willing to exploit any taboo, faux pas, crap for a cheap laugh from some marginal dorks who have never seen a child suffer before or who have suffered the loss of a child.  Honestly, who would find that funny.  

Rant complete.  

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