Willeonis Treborrin was the Father of Magic. He gave magic to Trithofar. He was extremely esoteric and considered 'odd.' He taught eight different ways of accessing magic and began eight different schools. But, eventually, as the schools and the masters of each individual guild became more powerful, Willeonis delivered his famous, and infamous Willeonaean Laws, eight major commandments that would forever shade the way people thought about using magic in Trithofar. He based these laws on the primary temptations of each of the schools.
The primary temptation of each school?
Wizards: To misuse portals and go where one doesn’t belong or where it will cause trouble. The ability to go anywhere you want can be used for all manner of awful things.
Mages: To control the environment and destroy the beauty of nature. To disrupt or destroy the course of nature.
Aavemancers:To enslave or bind souls without relief. To manipulate aaviri to do evil, or to force souls to do evil.
Tah-Nith: To be the best at the cost of other people. To learn regardless of the good of other people.
Artificiers: To make dangerous or invasive tools, or tools that cause pain or harm to others.
Chiurgan: To create abominations.
Sensers: To use their abilities falsely. To use the truth to manipulate or harm others. To force fate.
Motivars: To remove the free will of people for the sake of peace and justice. To entrap and make slaves of people’s minds.
Therefore, here is a first drafting of the Willeonaean Law, the Mandata:
1. Magic shall not rule. Magic shall wear no crown, nor place crowns on any mortal head. Magic shall make no kings or queens, princes or princesses of mortals.
2. Magic shall carve no laws, but shall be subject to the law of the land in which it lives.
3. Magic keeps no one its slave; it shall keep no soul under bondage.
4. Magic shall not destroy, but shall build; it shall not kill, but heal; it shall not serve hatred, but love; it shall not steal, but restore; it shall not invade, but protect.
5. The soul is a sacred thing; it shall never be diminished, or enslaved, or destroyed.
6. Magic shall tend towards order, to serve to make peace and prosperity wherever it can.
7. Magic is no one's god, nor shall it warrant worship, nor any part usurp the natural place of the divine.
8. Magic shall always serve the purposes of good and never the purpose of evil.
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