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Saturday, March 12, 2011


Because we had a brief discussion about races and character creation etc. on a recent Twitter chat #storycraft, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about some of my beliefs as regards to developing races of fantasy worlds.  


1.  Of course, it's hard to call a different species of sentient creature a 'race.'  Really, to me, it is species.  A member of a race would be a creature that could actually reproduce completely and totally successfully with a member of another race, or at least with mostly positive results.  Perhaps it is high time we came up with a new term for this concept: a creature that is of the same mental/social/spiritual etc. level as a human being.  Hmmm.  I'm tentatively titling this concept: VARTEM.  That's right, I'm going to coin this term, unless someone knows a better word and can tell me.  

Vartem (Plural: Vartems): A type or specific species of creature with comparable intellectual/moral/philosophical/ cultural/religious/etc. capacities as a human, but lacking the ability to consistently and succesfully interbreed with human beings or members of other VARTEMs.  The word is derived from variation and stem.  I have felt that race is not sufficient, as it designates a particular type of the same creature (not a separate species) and species doesn't work because it connotes inferiority to suggest something is not of the same species as a human being.  The term non-human races is tantamount to calling someone a racially biased slur.  It suggests 'other.'  Of course, in the real world there is not a creature that is comparable to humanity in any significant way regarding brain power, but in fantasy worlds, these exist all the time, but to call them non-human suggests/connotes, just like species, that these creatures are somehow inferior to humans or lack somethings humans have, or are even in some way part of humanity.  

2.  One of my friends on Twitter suggested something i'm all for and have also believed: If there is no real difference between a human and another vartem, then why bother writing from the perspective of that other vartem member. Therefore, I've always been for showing other races having needs and sensibilities that are distinct from other races. When I see that in fantasy, I very much enjoy it.  I enjoy seeing different cultures of different vartems showing their needs and abilities to be equal, but not necessarily compatible with those of others.   


3.  Here described below are some of the races of Trithofar with some of their vartemic needs defined: 

A. As evidenced in Drinna, kunjels have to learn to control their rage.  Therefore, kunjels learn and maintain a great deal of self-control.  They learn to be very resistant to temptations because of this, and to be out of control of one's self is among the highest of sins in their religion.  In fact, to be judged out of control is the chief of sins among them, and the cause of all other sins.  

But biologically, a kunjel can control his rage, like flexing a muscle.  They learn to control it, to call it when they want it, and put it away when they want it.  Of course, the assessment that follows is always a problem, no matter what, unless they can justify the cause and results of the rage.  

B. Kunjels are also not so susceptible to the elements as a human, meaning they are somewhat more tolerable to heat and cold (a matter of a few extra degrees either way), and therefore do not seek after so many material comforts.  Their houses are often open and quite a few kunjels do not mind making a house out of grass and dirt sod bricks.  Kunjels are often easily contented with many things, with the exception of a few luxuries.  Of course, this has consequences in their society.  They do not advance, technologically, with as much gusto as a human society might. They are more trusting people, typically, and have had to learn, since coming to Trithofar, that other vartems are not so trusting, nor so trustworthy, as kunjels tend to be.  It is a matter of balance for them they have the rage, which makes cheating them or hurting them dangerous.  

C. Kunjel saliva is actually a form of antiseptic.  It cleans.  Like a cat's saliva, they can actually wash wounds with their saliva and prevent infections.  Their saliva also does not smell bad and causes a pleasant smell.  Their breath, likewise, is often pleasant, rather than foul.  Further, kunjels do not have an odor quite as noticeable as that of humans.  They use perfumes and etc. to mask their natural scent, but with kunjels, the perfumes make them smell natural, like grass, or wildflowers or some other natural smells.  

D. Kunjels consider scars to be marks of honor.  No, they do not go and cut themselves, typically, unless they are trying to gain honor without having honor.  Instead, they believe every scar needs a story, if it can have one.  But a woman with scars is not shameful or without beauty, but a sign that the woman is strong and willing to work.  


2. Kinto-shah: 

A.  Kinto-shah have fur, and so wear less clothing than human beings.  Female kinto-shah do not think it taboo for females to bear breasts, or wear sheer clothing.  Their clothing is often quite sheer and very revealing and loose.    

B.  Kinto-shah have services for getting rid of parasites, as their fur tends to collect fleas and mites.  The place, a flea-house in slang terms, is very like a spa, where kinto-shah are cleaned, brushed, and powdered.  

C.  Kinto-shah, having very sensitive ears and noses, have mastered the art of manipulating sounds, at least the art of muffling or allowing sound.  They almost never make homes or places where they wish to speak quietly with echoing materials such as stone.  In fact, one service kinto-shah will pay for are places where they can talk quietly without being overheard by anyone.  Their laws forbid anything said in a privacy house to be repeated elsewhere, and most of the people who work in the privacy houses have wax in their ears or are deaf.  Basically, kinto-shah are willing to pay for privacy at certain times.  

D.  Kinto-shah believe in a natural order.  They believe the problems in the world come from creatures being outside the natural order.  Therefore, they do not think of slavery as anything all that strange or even taboo, but it is not slavery based on race or vartem or any other natural discrimination.  It is based on ambition.  A slave who is ambitious, cautious, and wise, can buy their way out, and slaves are guaranteed rights according to their papers.  They simply aren't allowed to change their station without significant issues (see the Kri'ism page).    


3.  Elves: 

A.  As is evidenced in the L'wii elf page, Elves of any description in Trithofar, do not have the same reproductive needs as other races.  They have elflings.  Later, I will detail other forms of "elves" that are very distinct from humans in the ways they reproduce.  


I want to put out some other things now, so I'll publish this.  If anyone knows a word, other than vartem, or race, or species, or etc. that describes what I"ve described here, please let me know.  Thanks.  






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